Our next Webinar will give you the opportunity to reflect on the Covid-19 crisis from a different perspective by discussing the role of sex and gender data in pandemics.

So don’t think twice and join us virtually on the
19th of May 2020, between 2 pm – 3:30 pm.

The distinguished speakers who will participate are:

Dr. Shirin Heidari, Chair and President of GENDRO

-Dr. Anna Ruggieri, Italian National Institute of Health, Center for Gender Specific Medicine

-Catherine Nyambura, ATHENA Network

-Dr. Stephen Burrell, Durham University

-Ricardo Baruch, IPPF Western Hemisphere Region


Send your questions, ideas and action points to GENDRO to be discussed in real-time during the webinar: info@gendro.org

More about the topic:
If there is one lesson that the global health community has involuntarily learned from the unprecedented spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the past few months, then it is a failure to draw lessons from the previous large-scale outbreaks. The body of literature on HIV, Ebola, and Zika outbreaks had demonstrated inefficiencies in health responses, including those related to differences in the level of exposure and intersectional vulnerabilities shaped by gender. Now when global health became a mainstream concern of unprecedented scale, those involved in global health policies and programs should seek effective and efficient responses to COVID-19 that adequately take into account the gender dynamics and are mindful of the implications of gender inequality.

More about the event:
To truly understand the importance of collecting and applying sex and gender data in pandemics, there is a rich and unfortunate history of what happens if sex and gender considerations are not taken into account. Speakers in this session will review lessons learned from the previous large-scale outbreaks through the gendered lenses.

The link will be shared shortly before the event and available HERE!